Last weekend, we were able to get the pool cover off the pool. It was a lot more work to get it off and get it cleaned up than we thought it would be. Here are DH and DS emptying the water out of the bags that weigh the cover down...

We started up the pool vacuum and it did a pretty good job of cleaning up the leaves and dirt...

And we have more critters in the pool. I found 2 adult toads and 2 young toads. Here is one of the adults and one of the young toads...

On Thursday, the weather was fairly nice, so I ran the pool cleaner again and used the hose to spray all the dirt and leaves off the concrete around the pool. One of the adult toads disappeared while I was working out there and I was afraid that it had gotten sucked up into the vacuum. I couldn't figure out how to open the pool cleaner debris compartment though. Today DH opened it and found the toad inside the bag - he was alive and hopped away! Doesn't that pool look inviting? The water temp was only about 60 degrees though!

DH has been running the electrical wires for the hot tub. The hot tub has arrived at the dealer's and is supposed to be delivered on Wednesday. DH installed the electric panel on the far side of the deck today (I didn't get a photo of it) and here is where the hot tub will be hooked up...

I found another little critter in the garage on Thursday. Fortunately, DS had already seen it and warned me that it was there, so I didn't flip out. He's actually very cute. I used to have pet mice when I was young, but I don't like to be startled, which the "wild" ones always seem to do to me...

On Friday, the box of tiles that we needed for the outdoor shower arrived. I think they will work well and I like how they look...

Last Saturday, I went to the Oakmont Garden Club sale and came home with a lot of perennials and a few annuals. Today I planted them in the flowerbed underneath the kitchen window, out near the pool.

Here is another shot of the flowerbed...

DH planted roses out by the pool a couple of weeks ago. He planted 3 different kinds. This one is really prolific and smells wonderful! It is called a Knockout Rose...

The trees have really leaved out recently and we are quickly losing our view of the river. You can just barely see it through the trees now...

Oh, and "LET'S GO PENS!"
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