Thursday, December 18, 2008

"O Christmas Tree"

Just a quick note today to post a couple of photos of our Christmas tree. In my last post, I wrote that we cut down a tree on our property and used the top of it for our Christmas tree. It has a huge gap on one side and no branches in the back so it looks like the tree was cut in half!

Here is what it looks like with decorations on it. This is the fullest side and the one we see most often...

And here is the gappy side. I actually like having that big old gap - it makes watering the tree really easy this year! No more crawling under the tree to water it! LOL!
The gifts are all wrapped, I've finished writing our Christmas letter (but they aren't ready to mail yet), and the packages were mailed yesterday. We still need to get the letters ready to go, put away all the wrapping supplies, and do some baking. And I'm wondering what else I need to do that I've forgotten! :-D

Merry Christmas, everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Patti:

I'm eating my lunch and checking out your blog. This is the funniest Christmas tree I've ever seen! I love the watering comment!! I hated watering so much, we've resorted to artifical adn I burn evergreen or similar candle!