Monday, June 16, 2008

Bamboo and baseboards and banisters...(oh, my!)

My sewing studio floor is finally in! DH and I were out at the house last Friday to OK the wood stains with the painter, and the floor installer had just put the first row of bamboo in the sewing studio, so all weekend I've been anxious to see it finished (this is the closet floor). I love it!
The tile installer has been working on the floor in our master bathroom. He is doing the Versailles pattern, which at first glance looks fairly random.
It looks like the carpenters have been cutting all the baseboards to size, but they haven't started installing them yet. They had hung a few more of the doors since we were there on Friday.
I'm assuming these orange marks indicate where the stair banister will be. It seemed obvious to me where it should go, but better too much communication than not enough, I guess.
Packing up of this house continues...


Anonymous said...

I love the bamboo flooring.

It looks good and is very eco.

Patti said...

Thanks, Mike! DD loves it too - she thought we should have put it all through the house...