Sunday, March 30, 2008
Out with the old, in with the new...

Thursday, March 27, 2008
Moving in the right direction...
On Sunday we took DH's mom and a family friend out to see the house. The last time they were out there was Easter 2007 and we were still trying to decide where to position the house on the property, so a lot has changed! They thought we should try to rig up a pulley system in the open stairwell so that we won't have to lug all the boxes up the stairs when we move. Maybe we just need enough people for a "water brigade" line up the stairs and pass the boxes from one person to the next!
I think we've chosen the tile for the kitchen floor. It is Mohawk's Citiscape tile in Village Green. This photo doesn't show all the different tones in the tile - you can't even seen the green tones in it. It looked great with the cabinets (cherry wood, honey stain) and the verde butterfly granite that will be on the counters. Wish I could find a better photo of it...

Here is the fan for my sewing studio (Harbor Breeze 48" Elite). It has a bit of a futuristic look to it, but the halogen lights are very bright and repositionable which will be good over my sewing area. And this fan is for the study...
Hmmmm, I can't remember which fan we picked out for the kids' rooms and DH has the list, so I'll have to post a photo on another day.
Friday, March 21, 2008
The long-awaited window seat...

Spring has sprung (A.K.A. we need a tractor!)
Since the property used to be a golf course, we have large areas of the property that have been mowed every year and if we can continue to mow them a couple of times a year, we'll have grass instead of tall weeds. The tractor will also be needed for plowing snow, leveling the gravel on our 450 foot driveway, digging out the ponds to enlarge them, digging holes to plant trees, and probably a whole host of other jobs that haven't even occurred to us yet.
We'll head out to the house after we tractor shop, and I'll try to post an update later...
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
The stuff in the walls...
So, all the "stuff" is going into the walls now - heating, electrical, and soon the plumbing.
We narrowed down some of our lighting and fan choices this week. Here are a couple of options for the master bathroom lights.

This is probably the fan that will go under the awning off the back of the garage (in the patio area)...

Oh, I almost forgot...we saw a couple of flocks of very noisy geese fly over the house tonight and, on Saturday, I saw a heron (twice). Very fun!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Kitchen design changes and granite
This is the original design of the kitchen. I kept most of the perimeter cabinets the same, although some of them have been changed to drawer stacks instead of regular base cabinets.

I'm also really trying to keep the clutter off my counters in the new house. That means I need a way to lift the heavy stand mixer and the food processor out of the cabinets. The solution is to put appliance lifts in two of the island cabinets. The KD said that the cabinets need to have a minimum 24" depth for the appliance lifts, so there will be one 24" deep cabinet on the baking side of the island for the mixer, and another on the cooking side of the island (opposite the cooktop and oven) for the food processor. That leaves an 18"x24" deep 3-drawer stack on the baking side of the island - top drawer is for baking spices and utensils, and the middle and bottom drawers are for mixing bowls, 9x13" pans, pie pans, etc. - and a narrow 18"x12" base cabinet beside it. Beside the food processor cabinet will be a long, narrow base cabinet, 36"x12" where I'll store casserole dishes (and other as-yet-undetermined stuff).
I was having a terrible time figuring out where to store my spices. I've finally decided to store them in drawers (after seeing many photos on Garden Web of spice drawers). I changed the cabinet to the left of the cooktop to a stack of drawers so I can store cooking spices in the top drawer and pots and pans in the lower drawers. The baking spices will go in a drawer in the island. Here are some photos of spices stored in drawers:

Here is the Verde Butterfly...

Saturday, March 15, 2008
Details, details, details...
Some of the issues we're having with this house stem from the way the joists run in one direction and steel beams run in the other direction. We are facing problems with getting the ductwork into some of the rooms because the steel beams block the way.
After our meeting, we grabbed some lunch and then headed to downtown Pittsburgh for the Home & Garden Show - 9 acres of displays! I believe that the Pittsburgh show is the largest home and garden show in the country. We were able to skip a lot of the displays that we stopped at last year - windows, doors, foundations, etc. are all done now. It also was a lot less crowded than last year, probably because it's near the end of the show and we were there while the St. Patrick's Day parade was going on.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Yippee for stairs! (and other fun stuff)
It is so exciting to finally have stairs in the house! The front door is temporarily closed off and the entrance is from the basement now. The cement slabs have been poured for both the basement and the garage. The front porch has not yet been done. Our master bathroom tub has arrived. It is a Kohler Sojourn Bubblemassage air tub.
The master bathroom and laundry room areas are finally framed correctly, to match the plans from the kitchen designer. Here are the half walls for our master bathroom shower. There will be glass above each half wall and a glass door across the opening.
Here is a shot from the master bathroom, looking down at the awning that was built off the back of the garage as shelter in the patio area.
The stairs only went as high as the second floor today, so DD still couldn't get up to her bedroom, and we took her picture standing one floor down in the master bedroom window area. In her bedroom this whole triangular window area will be a large window seat.
It was good to be able to stand in my sewing studio again. This is looking toward the larger section of the room...
Tomorrow I meet with the kitchen designer to go over the changes I want to make to the island. On Saturday morning we meet with the builder and the electrician and the architect (and who knows who else) to walk through the house before the electrician gets started.