Things are moving along with the house. DS and I stopped out there yesterday. We were hoping to bring home all the empty boxes from the electrician so I could use them to pack up this house. Unfortunately, there were only 2 guys working yesterday and they were both plumbers. The electrician had taken all his empty boxes and wasn't even there. So much for my grand plan! I did leave a gallon ziploc bag full of cookies and a "help yourself" note, so hopefully someone will be there in the next few days to eat them up!
On Sunday we took DH's mom and a family friend out to see the house. The last time they were out there was Easter 2007 and we were still trying to decide where to position the house on the property, so a lot has changed! They thought we should try to rig up a pulley system in the open stairwell so that we won't have to lug all the boxes up the stairs when we move. Maybe we just need enough people for a "water brigade" line up the stairs and pass the boxes from one person to the next!

I've been busy trying to find housing for the 60 members of DD's Wind Ensemble from Shenandoah University in Winchester, VA. They will be playing a concert at the Fox Chapel high school on April 4th at 7:30pm, in case anyone would like to attend. Jens Lindemann, former member of the Canadian Brass and guest trumpet soloist with orchestras around the world will be playing with the Wind Ensemble also. It should be a wonderful concert!
I think we've chosen the tile for the kitchen floor. It is Mohawk's Citiscape tile in Village Green. This photo doesn't show all the different tones in the tile - you can't even seen the green tones in it. It looked great with the cabinets (cherry wood, honey stain) and the verde butterfly granite that will be on the counters. Wish I could find a better photo of it...

This isn't our door style, but it is the cherry wood with honey stain...

Verde butterfly granite...

DH and I went to Lowe's last night and picked out the fan/lights for the bedrooms, sewing studio, music room, and lights for some of the bathrooms. We've chosen the tile and light fixture for the kids' bathroom. We borrowed the tile sample from Molyneaux and took it to Lowe's with us last night to see how well it went with the granite sink top for the kids' bathroom - it went perfectly!
Here is the fan for my sewing studio (Harbor Breeze 48" Elite). It has a bit of a futuristic look to it, but the halogen lights are very bright and repositionable which will be good over my sewing area.
And this fan is for the study...
Hmmmm, I can't remember which fan we picked out for the kids' rooms and DH has the list, so I'll have to post a photo on another day.
1 comment:
Great job - typing in dark so 'scuse typos = need photos of outside so I can get better idea.
Also, let me know when the bucket brigade starts - will need a place for a sleeping bag!!!!! I'll be there when you need me!!!
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