Here are a couple of photos of the stairs -- please excuse the white spots; I think I need to clean my camera lens. The first shot is from the first floor headed up to the second floor - I think the risers are going to be painted white...
This is a shot from the first floor heading down to the basement...
The bathroom tiler is obviously still working, as his equipment is still at the house. He is off the job until Tuesday though, as he is also unable to go up and down the stairs to get to the bathroom to work. It is sad to see the equipment sitting there idle...
The carpenters were busy building the shelves in the great room and we were able to verify with them what the layouts of the shelves should look like in all of the closets and built-in bookcases. The builder had forgotten that some of the shelves in the great room were supposed to be 16" deep (the painters had painted over the notes he had written on the wall!), so they had a bunch of extra 12" stained boards that will now be used in DH's study for his bookshelves. The original plan had been to paint the shelves in his study, so the error was really in our favor - DH is happy!
I think that some other work has been done on the upper floors. The box that used to have the kids' bathroom vanity in it is now empty, and I assume it has been installed on the 3rd floor.
I don't think I've ever given any info on what will go in the large arched area in the great room. The doors to the left lead into DH's study, the doors on the right will be matching stained French doors with closed storage and shelves behind the doors, and the arched area will be bookshelves. There will be a valance above the doors all around the room which will have lighting inside. Behind the valance in the arched area is where the screen for the projector will hide.

We met with another landscaper and will hopefully get an estimate from them soon. We also met one of our older neighbors, who was over checking out our house. She was out walking her dog. She said she usually stops by on Sunday to see how the house is coming, but decided to come a day early this week. :-D
DH and the builder both got their questions answered and 2 weeks from now, most of the unfinished items in the house should be done. We are the next project on the list for the septic guy and the week after the July 4th weekend will bring back the plumber and electrician and a bunch of other workers to finish up their jobs.