On Friday as I was working in the guest room making the bed, I heard what sounded like acorns hitting the window in the dining room below the guest room. I didn't think much of it - maybe the neighborhood kids were tossing acorns at our house for some reason. It continued however, and when I looked out the window I saw a robin sitting in the dogwood tree outside the dining room.
At that moment, the robin left the tree and then I heard the acorn noise again. Even though I didn't see the robin hit the window, it was very obvious that that was what had happened. He continued hitting the window every minute or so for the rest of the afternoon. First thing I heard when I woke up on Saturday morning was that robin bopping his head on our dining room window. If it wasn't so sad, it might be comical. Here he is flying at the window (click on the photo to enlarge it)...
We tried to block the window so he wouldn't see his reflection and we tried to scare the bird away, but nothing we did worked. DH's comment on the bird's behavior? "Why do you think they call them 'birdbrains'?" :-D
So, the robin continues to run into our window, although it isn't as often, and it isn't all day long like it was over the weekend. At least he isn't flying into the window full-tilt and knocking himself out or killing himself, so we'll let him be...
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