Saturday, February 16, 2008

Ladders and bricks and windows, oh my!

The house is coming right along! So excited! When we stopped at the house today, there was a framer working on the roof (all by himself!), and ladders for us to climb to the second and third floors! I've been wanting to get on the second floor and actually stand in my sewing studio for a few weeks now, but alas, no one was ever working when we were there and no ladders were ever left out for us to use.Look...LADDERS!!!!!

And the bricks and windows have been delivered...the bricks have actually been in the brick yard for a month or so now, but the builder didn't want them delivered back then. I hope their delivery means we're getting close to needing them.
Here is the view from our large bedroom window...

This is the smaller section of my sewing studio. It will be even narrower once the cabinets are along the wall on the right side, but the only other things that will be in this section are a corner cabinet made by DH's grandfather and a cutting table with a stool, which will be used both for cutting fabric and scrapbooking (I am making a scrapbook of our house building project). Here is a link to the sewing studio layout
This is the larger side of my sewing studio. It will house my sewing table, pressing table, computer desk, and a comfy chair and ottoman. There is a walk-in closet to the left (not shown in the photo below) and the door to my studio from the hall.
This is the attic level of the house which will be DD's and DS's bedrooms. This is the view from DD's (as of now, non-existent) window.

The framer that was working today told us that he's pretty much done all the framing himself. He usually has another guy there who passes the materials up to him from ground level, but he's done all the building alone. It made me nervous that he was totally alone today - he's working very high up without any safety equipment. If he ever fell and was injured, no one would know for quite some time, I'm afraid.

We stopped by the kitchen designer's on the way to the house and looked at granite. Right now we are leaning towards Verde Butterfly granite, but we need to go to the granite fabricator's and look at the actual slabs of granite before we can decide for sure.

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