Friday, August 1, 2008

The gas man cometh!

The gas man arrived about 8:45 this morning and started hooking our gas line (which had already been run from the house to the end of our driveway and then down the semi-private road for a couple of hundred yards) to the main gas line. He stopped back at 11:45 to tell me he was done, but that the plumber needed to come back and bleed the air out of the 1000+ feet of line and then start the water heater for us. The plumber arrived at 2:45 and about an hour later we finally had hot water! What a relief! No more cold showers. I started the full dishwasher and also washed a bunch of dishes by hand in the sink.

The arrival of the gas was very good timing, as DD has a friend from Norway spending the night and I'm sure she will appreciate being able to take a hot shower.

The landscape man cometh too! He arrived around the same time as the gas man, but with much more equipment and several men, and he stayed much later. They spent the day digging a big hole in our backyard where the pool will go. The pool is being delivered next Wednesday. It is being driven here on a large truck from New Jersey and will be installed on the same day. I guess we have to provide a Bobcat and something like 6 tons of gravel and the pool people will get the pool installed.

They also dug a trench for the pipes from the pool to the equipment area...
I made homemade pizza for the first time in this house. The oven cooked it faster than the oven in our other house. It took 15 minutes instead of 19, and I didn't even have it set for convection bake.

Our bedroom is looking a bit more organized. I went up last night and moved furniture around and emptied a couple of boxes. Today I worked on the kitchen, family room, and music room. Bit by bit...

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